Monday, October 15, 2007

October meeting

The October meeting will not be on the (supposedly) third Wednesday this month but instead will be the fourth Wednesday. As such, our meeting is scheduled for:

Wednesday, October 24
7:00 pm
Town Hall

So, we've got a date, a time and a room all confirmed--what we don't have yet is a speaker or a topic(!). Suggestions, anyone? Please add your thoughts either here as a comment and/or post to the listserv as desired.


Anonymous said...

Speaker ideas:

- Treat your film career as a business no matter how part-time it is. Include attorney, business planner developer, film arts foundation person. Ex. Russell Lee in SF is an attorney for lots of filmmakers

- Low-cost marketing - how filmmakers get the word out about their films/videos suggest asking documentary producers Tom Shepard and Joel Engardio whose latest Knocking is getting known by some interesting grassroots approaches. Tom also produced Scout's Honor which was honored by the Sundance Film Festival.

- a workshop of video compression / uncompression - various codecs, how to etc.

- Camera comparisons from those who have used them

- How to estimate video project budgets

- Shooting tips for videos on Web sites (how shooting for Web differs from shooting for TV-size or movie screens)

Unknown said...

Hi Kevin,

You may not remember me, but I believe that we took a Shake class together at pixelcorps in SF last Summer. I had started development on a camera dolly around that time and was wondering if you'd be interested in incorporating an informal demo / focus group session into one of your groups meetings. I'm trying to gather feedback ( along with extra hours in the day) to rekindle my motivation to continue development of the omni-tracker and would welcome some honest input.

You can learn more about my camera dolly at:

Let me know what you think...



 Warren Herndon
Digital Producer
Apple Global Training