Monday, April 28, 2008

Next Meeting is Wed. April 30, De Anza 3, 7PM

Our next meeting is Wednesday, April 30, 7:00 pm, in Apple's De Anza 3 Auditorium. Our topic for the evening is the aesthetics of film editing. Here is an overview of the meeting:

Editing 101, Part One: The Basics
The Fabulous Pizza Break
Editing 101, Part Two: Demo Reels Critique

Editing 101, Part One:
The Basics

Presented by MacFilmmaker's member Sabrina Nelson, this instructional presentation will cover:

• The How, When and What to Cut

• Practical Applications of Eisenstein's Theory of Montage

• Cut, Color, Size, Shape, Direction: What Do They Mean in Editing

Following the Part One presentation we will have--are you quaking with anticipation?--YES, our Fabulous Pizza Break! Stretch your legs in the De Anza 3 lobby while you munch on pizza and network with your fellow filmmakers.

After pizza we reconvene for:

Editing 101, Part Two:
Demo Reels Critique

As part of Sabrina's presentation, we will also discuss demo reels/samples of our members' work. All members are therefore encouraged tonight to bring short sequences (maximum of 5 minutes) of either your narrative or documentary work for viewing and discussion. We will take 3 samples from the pool of submissions, view them and then use them as a point of discussion as we talk about editing. Samples can be complete shorts or excerpts from larger pieces and can be either finished work or works-in-progress. Please note the focus of this presentation is storytelling, so we are looking for traditional sequential scenes or pieces, not experimental or slideshow type of samples.

Sabrina Nelson, a Final Cut Pro expert and 17-year veteran in all manner of video, TV and film production, is currently teaching at the Academy of Art.

As always, our meeting is free and open to the public. Parking is plentiful and free as well. Note that the De Anza Three auditorium is at Apple's headquarters in Cupertino. For those in attendace last month at our March meeting, DA3 is the room we used--and where, by the way, we had near-record breaking attendance at an estimated 210 attendees (see photo below). If you are uncertain about the location, simply go to and search for:

10500 N de Anza Blvd, Cupertino, CA 95014

The green arrow indicates the building where we will be; DA3 auditorium (and parking) is on the backside of that building.

MARCH MEETING: Lance Trumbull, Filmmaker/Producer of "Everest: A Climb for Peace", addresses the MacFilmmakers audience.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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Was thinking this is a perfect way to introduce myself!

Johnie Maverick
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