7.00 Meeting starts (late arrivals will find a phone number on the lobby doors)
7.15 Sony present EX3 - Q & A follows
8.00 Pizza break
8.15 Draw raffle
8.20 Sony present HD Displays
8.30 F35 segment, Art and Adam demo the F35, show their F35 spot and talk about
production. Discussion of S-log, Hyper gammas - Q&A follows.
9.40 Wrap.
The Garage 1&2 rooms are located directly upstairs from Town Hall in Apple's Building 4 at 1 Infinite Loop. To find it, just pretend you are headed to the Town Hall facility, enter the main lobby doors, but instead go up the stairs to your far left to find The Garages rooms.
To locate the meeting room on a map, go to maps.google.com and search for "1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino CA". Building 4 will be on the backside of the loop towards the top right corner (northeast) of the map.
Is there a map to "Garage 1/2"??? Sounds hard to find.
The Garage 1&2 room is located directly upstairs from Town Hall in Apple's Building 4 at 1 Infinite Loop. To find it, just pretend you are headed to the Town Hall facility, enter the main lobby doors, but instead go up the stairs to your far left to find The Garages rooms.
To locate the meeting room on a map, go to maps.google.com and search for "1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino CA". Building 4 will be on the backside of the loop towards the top right corner (northeast) of the map.
I am somewhat concerned not to have heard from you in so long. Please let me know you are ok. :)
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